Friday, August 5, 2011

Obsession with a Pool?

My daughter is probably the silliest little girl I know! 
Who knew right? Well, long story short. She's obsessed with the pool. Loves it. Can't spend a day away from it! haha And when I do try to take it away she somehow seems to find a way to still "incorporate" it into her day. It's really remarkable what little one's come up with! 

Here's a look into what Allie does all day!
 (pose much? haha)

I've also been really proud of her! She finally finished her summer ready. She had to read 15 books and then was able to pick out a free book from the library. Which I'm pretty sure she's read Skyping with her Dad almost every morning! (I think she's a little proud of herself too ;-)
After she turned in her paper showing the books she completed I took her to get a scoop of Ice-Cream...Adorable. Love spending time with this one. Gosh, how'd I get so lucky?
Okay, so now back to my story about the pool and how Allie uses it every chance she gets to have it in her life...

Hmm...what's different here?...
 I realized the other day that Allie was being really quite...On this day in-particular she didn't get a nap so she was way exhausted. I peaked outside thinking she was playing in her house as usual. Did a double take. And could not believe what I was seeing. HAHA 

Let's get take a closer look...;-)
 She was seriously almost out here...(no, I do not let her sleep with sippy's) I really almost let her fall asleep out there, but little miss caught me...

 I guess every little girl has their favorite things to do. And I think she's adorable. So sleeping in her pool that she loves so much is adorable too...

Squeeze your little one/s. They grow up so fast!

What's something you love about your little one/s that super silly?

Enjoy soaking up some sun this August (with sun screen on of course ;-)

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