Sunday, September 18, 2011

Couponing Week Three

I didn't do very many transactions this past week...had to much other stuff going on...
BUT, I did find some awesomeness! ;-)
Excuse my messy was one of those days! ;-)

Albertsons trip-
16 boxes of Totino's Party Pizza's
2 boxes of Totino's Pizza Roll's
1 Yoplait Smoothie
2 Pillsbury Cookie Dough's
2 Supreme Bars
3 boxes of Potatoes
4 Progresso Soup's
Retail: $50 I paid: $17.71
AND I seriously, no joke. Earned 100 box tops! haha
I couldn't believe it when I counted them all! ;-)

Wal-Mart Trip:
5 boxes of Crest Toothpaste
(not the best deal but I had to use my coupons before they expired...had my first experience where I couldn't let a coupon expire! YIKES! lol )
Retail: $10.32 I paid: $4.32

Rite Aid Trip:
(This was my best trip for sure all week!)
2 Bayer Advanced
1 Tylenol Precise Heat Patch
Triaminic Multi-Symoptom
Retail: $22.00 I Paid: $3.22 
and earned $3 in up rewards to use on anything on my next trip!

Having troubles finding good coupon trips for this week!
Anyone getting anything good?
If so let me know! ;-)



  1. Look at you with your amazing coupon skills! Good job! And it looks like you got regular stuff that you will actually use. That's always good. heh heh...

  2. That's been my biggest goal...I did buy that Tylenol Heat pack...that I'd probably never buy...especially since Regan makes those super yummy scented heat packs. BUT, I mean $5 off! Only making it .99cent? Can't beat that! haha

  3. Court, some of the things you get really cheap and in bulk, I have used to put together in a basket and give as housewarming gifts or going off to college, bringing home baby, so forth. Dishwasher soap, detergent, fabric softner, paper plates, paper towels, bathroom tissue, laundry detergent, the list goes on. Sample packs are good in that if it's not their fave, oh well, you have some product to use now and you don't have to do without and you can buy what you like next time. I'm sure you already thought of this, but it's a great way to get rid of those baskets you "loved" at the yard sale and got home and it didn't fit where you wanted to to.
